Friday, July 29, 2011

MORE Old Stuff

This is a comic I drew once based off of a real live event. Except in real life I had a friend with me there. But I though it would be more uh... impacting (or whatever the word is) if I drew it as a solo action.

Some parts are supposed to be symbolic - but becauseI am VAGUE (sorry!) I'll explain. The leaf is the coffin and my foot is putting dirt over the dragonfly. I'm equivilating it to giving it a funeral if you get what I mean. I personally thought I'd rather not suffer like this if I were the dragonfly so I killed it.

This one's actually not THAT old. Not even a year old, actually. Haha. I kinda like this one, though. It's an oil pastel portrait of myself backed up against a bathroom tiled wall. I had this idea then I took a photo of myself as a reference. (I took a LOT of photos of myself for this)
This is the initial rough sketch for it

This is a painting of my little brother. I thought the photo was funny so I painted it. :)

A portrait I did for a figure drawing thing. I LOVE figure drawing sessions - but I HATE that my prescription was wrong at the time and the supposed front row seat was 10 feet away from the model - GAH! >_< So a lot of his face is SO made up...

This is a WIP based off of the song Down Here Where You Belong by Tiny Tim (the original song is by Irving Berlin, though). If you listen to the song, the picture is very self-explanatory.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for art dump!
    I really like the preliminary rough you did for your tiles-girl piece *sparkle eyes* I remember that piece from your DA! That was the brown girl I was talking about.
    But man.. that dragonfly comic was depressing ...
