Friday, September 20, 2013

Randomly selected figure drawings, portraits, and caricature (attempts >__>; ) I did in class.

This is more or less what I've been up to lately. xD The first few weeks was on head construction, and on the last day the teacher had everyone trying to do caricatures of each other. That was insanely hard for me, and I think very few people in the class were getting it. Most people were still drawing it in a too "academic" sort of way.

The last portrait of the realistic portraits series was a one hour portrait. I sort of wish it came out better. =__= Some parts looked legit to me, a lot of it turned out being very "hm... that's not what I wanted O_o; ". And it still didn't look like the model.... It's in a good direction, so I suppose one problem at a time? Haha...