Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Whaaaaaat? I'm still alive!? Well! I was planning on trying to update this blog for a while but things kept popping up like me getting lost in San Jose, taking the wrong bus in San Jose, adjusting to how BUSY my life got (I have college Mon-Fri then work from Fri-Sun >__< ), and then the last reason is just the stupid reason that Dr. Mario has overtaken my life.

I was gonna post sketches last week until I realized that I couldn't find my camera so that I could take a photo of my sketches from my sketchbook. I found it like... two days ago! O: Right now I'm posting from a place where I don't have access to my camera and stuff so for now I'm going to dump in whatever I have! And then I'll dump some more later!!!!

I attempted to paint "La Divina", Maria Callas. Obviously I'm failing at it. >_O I'm trying to find the time to finish this one.
I figured out how bad I SUCKED at painting clothes so I was doing a study thing. But then I ended up being in a bad mood so uh... again with my weirdness? I started using really ugly colors together. Note to self - emo=weird art.
I tried to draw a stetson because well... Stetsons are COOL. Sadly it doesn't even LOOK like one! D:
I drew shapes randomly and ended up making some weird flying truck? I dunno, either.

I tried to do the shadows for a photo I saw - who it is I'll just leave people to guess. P: This wasn't a study of making it look like him, just a study in the shadows.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This is the heterochromia guy that I had a WIP of from a long while ago. (Maybe) I'll get back to that one another day when I feel better about my not amazing skills. Until then - enjoy this. It was done first from a value practice thing. I decided not to worry too, too much about anatomy and such on this one so that I would focus more on coloring and digi-painting versus the anatomy.

I SHOULD have worried a bit more about anatomy since the guy is y'know... naked, but I guess I didn't. (I decided not to draw a penis if anyone noticed XD) Ah, well. Next time, I suppose! :D The guy is supposed to be scrawny - but I don't know if I got that. And the reason why the lips look weird is that I left purple lipstick on him because I kinda liked it.

A cousin of mine noted that he looked super androgynous. Haha!
This is kinda for you, Susie - now you can see the heterochromia guy... and he's NAKED. :D

Friday, August 12, 2011

Yesterday I was in a really, really, SUPER sour mood of sorts due to some... things I've heard about in my life and other people's lives. I dunno why, but I tend to get all abstracty and weird when I get mad. When I try abstracty stuff when I'm not mad it always looks baaad, when I'm mad I guess it looks more... I don't know actually XD. But anyways, I was in a SUPER bad mood so I scribbled some stuff out. I eventually got out of my bad mood with some music (I never realized how important music was with my mood).

I listened to "No No No" by Yoko Ono.. It was the sound of the guitars that I was mainly listening to when I was mad. :P Somehow listening to it made me feel... more expressive or what? That's not the word but the real word doesn't come to mind to me right now...

Then I listened to this. I was still in a bad mood during the dissonant parts but when it turned more pretty sounding my mood gradually eased out of it like in time with the music or something. (Or maybe I'm just lame? Haha! Who knows)
These are my studies so far (I know, I'm slow >__<). I drew a skull, a nose, and an eye. the reason for the SO dumb eyelashes was that in the pick I used this lady had lots of mascara on. i was debating on whether or not to try that and now I REGRET it - it's SO bad. I HATE that eye like you may not even believe. It looks so... flat. The skull I am okay with in some parts and the nose i can deal with. But the eye... aaaaghhh!!!! Advice on that eye would help if anyone can. ;__;

This is what I'm using right now - a laptop. I thought I'd still be using my desktop a lot... but it turns out my laptop has replaced my desktop. XD (Portability and privacy that comes with it, I guess?)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Digi Works And a Revelation

I'm just going to post some random digital stuff I've done. They're all WIPs and uncompleted because as I spent my time doing these I've had a good revelation - I'm not very good at digital painting. Like... at all. I'm kinda subpar compared to the average people I see who do it. So I think I need to do some painting practice and studies before I go back and try to finish these. Because every time I go back I keep finding myself "stuck" in places. "Stuck" as in I have no idea how to go about at painting it. I can draw an arm and stuff and I have a general idea of the muscles in an arm but I don't know how to portray it through a painty style.

I'm not saying that because I think I suck at EVERYTHING (actually, I sorta do XD ) because I can sketch and draw decently enough. But I KNOW that I have a bad weakness with painting. This is true even in real life - I have no idea how to make good paintings. D: I've worked okay things with pastels (oil and chalk), pencil, charcoal, ink, and watercolor (different from regular painting, I swear).And I have a really whack sense of color. So until then... enjoy these WIPs and I'll try to finish (or redo) them when I get BETTER at digital painting.

Monday, August 8, 2011

This character's name is "Martin Erxol". She has a robotic arm and a robotic eye. She lost her arm when she was little in an accident of some sort and the eye she chose to get it. Her arm can do neat stuff like shoot this laser thing (it's not deadly, it's just in case for self defense). I don't know how to describe her personality (sorry for my lack of words). She's a travelling buddy with Ark.

The two in the morning in some random spacey motel thingy.
Her as a younger girl on the left.
Random pictures of her and Ark with ponchos.
her when she was younger.

Her in her alternate outfit and her usual outfit.
The guy is Ark (from a random earlier post) and the girl is Martin Erxol. I'll talk about Martin in the next post.
One eyed girl again and Martin in two alternate outfits.

Fluffy, Cameron's sheepdog puppy.
I haven't posted in over a week! Work and other stuff. I'm so bad with this. I NEED to find a rhythm and om between posting on this blog and other stuff! GAAAAH! (Yes, I liken myself to being overdramatic. ;) Hehe)

This is "Cameron Christopher Carson". I usually plays his character (I make up all these characters, have you guys noticed? >__>; And I give them all different versions of their lives, too) this way. The brother from the first post of his character is his split personality - I just like to split the two and make them brothers sometimes. He lives in Liverpool and his occupation is a chemist. He lives with his dog in a small flat even his flat is pretty small even though he could easily afford a bigger one than the one he has. His car is kinda small and old-ish and his computer is outdated. Cameron is kinda eccentric. His dog's name is "Fluffy", he's a sheepdog puppy.

Characters William Amherst and his brother Jackie (Jackson) Amherst who is usually his sister Molly (Amelia) when I use him/her.