Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Figure drawing arts! D:< I am having SO much of a thrill with doing more regularly timed figure drawings (every Tuesdays, now). I haven't done that in about a year or so, I believe. XD I used to take classes at a local community college, but it seems they're recently stated enforcing a "you must take the pre-requisite art level 1 course" thing. My cousin and I believe it's because of the massive budget cuts going through the school that they want stricter enforcement on classes. 


This is probably THE BEST one I did the entire session. I mean THE best, her face is just so freaking beautiful. My friend added an extra little face and writing on the side.

(Honestly, this was just too much fun not to put up. XD My friends and I were having some fun while the model was taking a break)

Random 2 minute ones. I somewhat liked that incomplete one at the top. At the same time, I feel like I wasn't pushing the movement enough. :/ Needs more RHYTHM.

I somewhat liked the general feel of this page. Too bad I forgot to flip it over, huh? >__>; Well... I didn't really feel like it, either. So sorry. Oooops.

This is one of my for reals favorite thing I personally did in the session. i'm a bit mad that the back leg was unfinished, but I'll live with it. I'm also a bit miffed that the entire thing smudged while I was carrying it home. It had a more crisp look to it before then.

A girl I was sitting next to during the figure drawing session really liked this one.

Honestly, I just felt like I NEEDED to take a moment to make a color puke work. XD I have this bad habit of using color, then just... puking it up all over the page.

The only planning involved in it was to start with a cool color, then end with a warm color to make the lighter parts of the body more... stand-outy? I dunno.~ I wrote bad French at the top corner, too. It says "je pense" which means "I think".


This pose looked so regal! Such a shame I wasn't working faster, though... Oh, well.

Monday, June 25, 2012

 Value study based off of a photo. The contrast is way too unrealistically high, I noted. D: Otherwise, though... I'm okay with it. But it's super vague and too quick, next time I should make one that was less... rushed and make one that's more finished seeming at the very least? XD
Baaaaaddddd value practice attempt from imagination. >__>; It doesn't look like the character I was trying to draw in the end so EEGHHH.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I have been not arting as much as I should have. But this time I'll let it slide for myself since I was hanging out with other human beings during my Summer vacation time! O: It was good, but now it's time to get SERIOUS. I have some Japanese to catch up on (I have a Japanese double major), songs to learn, and most importantly ARTING TO DO!!! (I use "arting" as a verb, I've recently realized, and it's a strange yet cool thing).

I've been thinking carefully about the stuff I've made in my life thus far because there is something that I feel is a major butt-block that is hindering me more heavily than other things. In the end, I went to what my art buddy Suzie said a while ago about me not distinguishing between hard and soft shadows enough. I decided to investigate into that a lot today and I think it's helped a loooot.

I feel like this study turned out okay. The photo I found such a good photo  ! The picture quality is generally very clear and I can see the texture of the feathers soooo well! I thought about concentrating more on it, but then I told myself to not worry about it too much right now because I feel like I still have a lack of understanding of values and shapes. And honestly, how can I feel myself okay to venture into the texture if I can't trust that my shape is correct? P: I got stuck at how to portray a hard shadow on the bird's surface without it looking like a darker patch of the bird. I'm thinking of investigating that further another time (it's 5 Am right now... >__>; )

I realized today while trying to draw from my imagination that I have no idea how to make a legit looking mask... at all! I decided to do random pieces of some random Venetian masks I found on the internet. Only one is really legit looking, the rest are obviously unfinished to a horrible hell. Some more than others. The part that looks like an eyepiece was because I accidentally closed the page and couldn't find it again. =___= Ooops... Oh, well. Masks are fun! 


WIP! This was supposed to go along with my theme of looking into soft versus hard shadows. I thought that maybe instead of starting a painting sketchy, hard, and liney, I could maybe try mapping general light and shadow areas with a really soft brush. Obviously I'm going to add harder edges later, but for now... I'll see where this goes. P: I have no idea how to portray this well in a drawing, but the guy is supposed to be whistling. =3=

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hooooly crud, I have not updated this blog in like... forevah! D: So, now it's time to update this shizzle up!!! A lot of these sketches are old, but I'm hoping since my friend Suzie is back, there will be more arting stuff to put on here! :D Yaaay. ARTING! 

This is a can of cola that was on my desk. I added my earbuds in there at the last second (you can probably tell...) because the composition was getting sooo ugly with that big block of empty space! >__< I feel like I got the general idea of a can, but it just wasn't... correct. P: I think the can was too fat, but at least it looks like a can, so I'll go with it. XD

FANARTTTT... I LOVE Keroro Gunsou, and this is my favorite character, Dororo. Dororo is a ninja! O:< I decided to use this for fun and a small texture experiment. He's supposed to be an alien frog, so I tried to make his skin shiny in some of them. I also tried making the basketball look less smooth and more like it has those bumps that basketballs have. Dunno if I really achieved that in the end. I obviously ignored the texture of the sword and the sword holder... oops? XD 

I'm trying to draw more people who are not Caucasian. Obviously... I have a lot to learn. ;__; The girl is supposed to be black, but she ended up looking more Hispanic. >_< Argh.  Keep working, Laura! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Been die sketchin'...
Color bust of a character named Conner. Gonna keep working at better digi painting... sketches included! D:< I'm getting better than I used to be, so go Laura, gooo!

Ninja turtle OC named "Devina" looking at a lone leaf about to fall to the ground. It was supposed to be a composition practice. In the end, I think the composition was pretty poor... and everything else went downhill, too. Why are there so many colorful leaves in the winter? Aghh... and that ground plane is just so... unconvincing. >_O That leaf is killin' me, too.

But at least I tried a full composition, I suppose. XD

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Finally had art buddy time! ;___; I missed it soo much~ So, here's what I did, and a random, unfinished thing on the bottom.

Part one of the session - anatomy study.

It was supposed to be a hip movement study but uh... I just ended up drawing some dude's legs more than anything else. =___=; Basically... damn it all, Laura... concentrate... But my awesome buddy did give me some great information she got from an awesome book she must share with me!

Part, the second of that was drawing prompts from each other. She got a flaming baboon samurai, I got a spider made of needles. Uh... the spider took a while and it got nowhere... Maybe I'll finish it one day, right now I'm not really feelin' it. Looks more like something from my childhood of watching the 3rd Bionicle movie's visorak hordes.

Session two was supposed to be a landscape study... It turned out pretty stressful and I never really got anywhere with it because I kept restarting it again and again... =___=

Part two was a character design thing. We gave each other prompts. I got an AWESOME prompt of a person from the year 2050 where there are flying cars who tracks down cheating husbands on the computer. After she finds them, she kills them with information overload and then goes to collect the body.

I am horrible with all things sci-fi, it seems... Such an uncollected design... >__>; And she looked more like a superhero, Suzie observed XD

This was just a fun sketch for myself. It's Papageno from "Die Zauberflote" (The Magic Flute) by Mozart. I've been really into listening to opera for a while and I love all the songs this character has. They're just soooo fun~! 

His costume was heavily based off of the costume Detlef Roth in Paris . I added a bare chest for my own fun. XD

Papageno is supposed to be a birdcatcher so I drew a cage in his hand. What he's saying is "Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja" which basically means "The birdcatcher, that is me", the line is the first line he has and is the title of his introduction song. I wanted to draw him singing to a bird just for fun and to show off how "the birds belong to him" like he sings about.