Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alright... I finally gave myself some time to do some digital stuff (at the expense of some flashcards I told myself to make >___>; ). I only did one little thing and a WIP to show - enjoy.

This I did on my new livestream account livestream which I tried for the first time that day with this really not so amazing thing here... I was loosely inspired with the circus idea that came from me listening to">Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite by The Beatles.

This is a quick sketch/digital sketch-painting practice thing that I did. I admit it's really sloppy and some parts can't really even be considered "refined", polished, or anything along the lines of that... Ah, well... This is just practice because I'm trying to figure out digital painting, see? So far I make lots of blocks of colors since I tend to make super muddy colors when I try to mix them. QAQ This character is Ark's father Cliff.

So far his story is iffy and I COULD change it, the only thing that's stayed so far is that his life kinda sucks. His mother died when he was very little and his father was an alcoholic who died on him when he was somewhere between a teenager or in his 20s. He paid for his father's coffin even though he was broke and was the guy who had to bury it in the end.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Alright. For some reason (how do I come up with something EVERY week - I don't know...) blogspot wasn't let me upload anything. It would always come up with "error" >___<; But now I GOT it~

This is to be a break from all the random sketches of characters that are as good as vague to everyone. I'm going to show some life drawings I do - I hope to find some time some day to do some MORE life drawing sessions since I LOVE doing them so much! Even though I ain't so great at it XD

I kind of like this one except for the upper torso which I really hate... I wanted to try doing a figure drawing with watercolor so I set up a little easel and on the ground in front of the model so that the 18x24 paper wouldn't fall on me XD

This one I'm also okay with except for the torso... I wish I had more time to adjust that... I forgot how long this one was but I'm guessing it's from anywhere between 10-15 minutes.

This is a little doodle I did while I was bored one day. I noticed some girls at a nearby table just doing random things (one was studying and one was talking) so I decided to sketch them since they were far enough away from me (and pre-occupied enough) for them not to notice me~

This one is of a guy I saw on the stairs that led to the swimming pool once. I decided to draw him since he was sitting so still and he was texting which meant he wouldn't notice if I did. So here he is~

Monday, September 5, 2011

For some reason my camera was having weird things in which where I would adjust the picture and for some reason the file gets deleted after I fix it... (some of it was necessary so that I could flip the picture to be right-side up) So here's a sketch dump at last... I have a bunch of pictures saved so I'm thinking I best slowly post a few at a time so it looks like this thing is alive. =___=;

A character named "Daiky" (his full name is Daisuke Sato) as a girl. Dunno what her girl name would be. The woman with the black hair is his Mom as a young girl/woman/whatever >__>;.

MOAR bad Hetalia fanart~ I noticed in the middle that I drew England the most. XD I tried to draw France more since I drew the least of him on the page (sorry Big Brother France~). Hence why there's a little chibi him on the bottom left corner waving. I used to be okay with most of them but when I look at them again I take it back. D:< Now I don't like them that much... =_=;

Here's another Hetalia thing! Heta-mochis~ I drew a Germany one next to an Italy one. :D
Daiky's Mom and his Mom's twin sister.

SPONGEBOB freakin' SQUAREPANTSSS!!! I like this show - I dare anyone to tell me about how unawesome I am for liking it 'cause I don't care! O:< I drew this mainly as a joke for my cousin who told me to draw "Squidward". After that I decided to fill up the page with some other Spongebob stuff like Spongebob himself and Patrick. Then I added the sea-bear and the sea-rhino for more giggles. XD

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ready for Major Dumpage

Awright. I like to sketch between classes and during my break times at work so I got sketchbook doodles. I hope you enjoy them and my bad commentary for pretty much all of theeeem~~~~ D:<

First, I DID do a few digital things so I'll post that first.

They're the two vampire chicks I drew a loooong time ago but in modern times. This is what a lazy bone sketch by me looks like. SORRY YOU HAD TO SEE IT. :(
Painting ATTEMPT!!! O:< His name is Cliff, he's Ark's father. He's camping... in the desert... in the sunset... I dunno, either.