Thursday, March 29, 2012

Master disaster studies! D:

Doing it with my awesome buddy Joolia. But her's were like... legit. >__>;

This is the second (not as bad one) that I did. This was a copy of a Renoir-Mademoiselle. I'm sorry, world... it was not beautiful. =___=;

This was a (WTF ;__; ) attempt at a Caravaggio. Of course, I obviously didn't do too well. Oh, well. Hopefully this will all work out in the end and one day I will be able to get a Caravaggio 40% correct! D:< YEEEEHHH. But for now... his face looks like a freaking troll ate his head and tried to re-make it by gluing it together with his troll-y saliva!

I can't find the original, but I found this: The original that I found was much bigger and it had more stuff in the frame like a table and stuff, but I can't seem to find it. This is the closest one that I can find right now.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Three days of posting in a week! I'm on a roll! ; w ; (Hopefully I can keep at this...)

I worked on the Condor thingy some more, mainly slapped some colors in. I am soooo slow at digital painting, I told myself to stop at 30 minutes and see what I get. I pretty much got nothing since I kept hating basically how everything was turning out. >_< Then again... I changed it from a desert to something else in the middle so I guess I wasted time on that, too. hehe.

MORE texture studies. I've found from the last two texture studies that I epic suck at fur and fuzz so I decided to do some animal texture studies. The wolf fur on top drives me insane - something about it just isn't looking correct. The zebra texture is okay, but the leopard one drives me insane, too. It does NOT look wrapped around a sphere and that bugs me - but I'll give myself credit since it looks like leopard print

Life Update:
Spring break for me, yaaay~ I will be busy with a lot of art homework. My teacher wants the class to do graphite renderings of a cylinder, cube, and sphere and make it look as realistic as possible (not as easy as it sounds >_< ). I also have to work on a project where I'm mixing two animals or objects and render it and make it look like as if it was real (I'm doing a crab horse). I'm probably going to be spending about two days to find a horse, shoot refs, etc. And then I also have some texture research for the class.

On the side, some French studying. hahaha...

Here's to hoping I'll be productive! D:<

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Horse fur is too long - it looks like dog fur. D'oh! >_<
No, no I don't have any excuses. Just me being uh... lazy. =__=; Why do I even bother having this blog? Hehe. One day I'll get better at this (posting) - gotta develop better habits! I feel especially bad when I see people dedicating their time to making once a day posts for a looong time.

I based it off of the feeling I got from the sound of a song called "El Condor Pasa". Paul Simon did an English version with his own lyrics but the original tune is not his. I just thought the sound was an interesting mood.
I started it when I should have been studying for an exam so uh... never finished it...

Texture studies~ because I'm really, really, really, reaaallly bad at it... The crab claw texture, I think, came out the most successful. The chick's looks like dog fur and the tomato... I dunno... it just doesn't seem right to me. My cousin says the tomato looks fine, but like I said, I still don't know.