Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Four entire days without updating mon blog. Errrghhh... I feel so guilty... 

For my animation class, I drew some tonal drawings... but I forgot to take photos of them before I turned them in. >___>; So uh, whoops? Dunno when I'll get them back, but that's okay... I need to try making myself do more tonal drawings anyways (time to whip out le gouache XD). 

And in my physical notebook, I've been TRYING to will myself to more and more leg drawings. I'm still stuck on memorizing how them under layer calf muscles work... 

Enjoy some doodles.

For the last two sketches, I feel lazy for basically leaving them in empty white space... Need to brave myself into integrating them into environments - otherwise all those horrible attempts at making them would be for not! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A break from studies... some doodles I did a few days ago~

I drew um... stuff. >__>; Need I say more?

I made a doodle design thing of some random characters. I had more in my physical sketchbook, but... Imma just put these digital ones in. XD

LEG STUDIES. They make me CRY. They are SO hard. >__< I'm going to have to add this to my list of MUST get better.

these were imaginary legs that I did before starting the study to see what I perceive the legs to be.

This is an experimental sketch I did earlier today in my front yard for class. The teacher wanted us to do an 11x14 sketch in any medium. The word experimental was used because I decided to mix pastel and gouache. P: It turned out very strange... I am sooo bad at traditional painting, too. Siiiggghhh...

Photo of my front yard. What makes me mad about plein air works is that the sun keeps moving and changing the light! ;____;
Here is the complete version of the graphite rendering project. I'm surprised at how well I managed to pull off the head of the horse, actually! BUT - I obviously wasn't squinting enough or trusting the source material enough because the barrel part of the horse has illogically spotty lighting on it. =___=

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Some random studies I did~

For some reason I've been on this random African tribe binge. No tribe in particular, just random ones. P: I lost the link to the original photo... =___= But here is a small practice I did based off of a photo. I wish I had the photo - he looked SO cool!

I realized from my group studies of landscapes/cityscapes with Atelo , that I SUCK hard at them. So I did a lot of extra ones. They're kind of sucking... =__= This one is of somewhere in South Africa (I kept NONE of the photos I reffed. ;___; )

This landscape is COMPLETELY made up. I just did it, using fictional colors to see if I could make it look half-convincing. Not even, but it's better than the first ones I tried, so I'll go with it!

This one is of a canyon photo because I realized I suck suuuper hard at canyons. I think I got an inkling of how to do it, but not yet.

I hope I reach a jump soon in my scapes - because they are KILLING me.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Another amazing session with Atelo~! This group stuff sure makes me much more productive! :D

Anyways, today's theme was "landscapes". I think I got better at drawing cityscapes, but it is so painfully obvious I still have NO idea how to do these landscapes. Need to do MOAR. >_< all of them except for a veeery obvious one were from photographs.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

this is the last thing we did before calling it a night on our session. It's a painting of this girl that I found in a google search. I was SO compelled by the patterns in her shawl thing and then I have high regrets because it was SUCH a pain to figure that thing out. So it's been reduced to blobs. I felt like I ended up ignoring the face a lot to focus on the shawl, hehe. P: At least I tried, though.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Art study buddy time with Atelo~
~ yayyy~ :D

These were from imagination and some of them were fixed - it's probably which ones were fixed and which ones weren't. From the beginning compared to the end, I have found that I had a lot of misconceptions of feet.
These were from life, I used my own feet as refs. the one in the corner was the last one I did and I did that sooo sloppily and rushedly that it came out looking all strange. O_O; It's like a clubbed foot.
I traced a few pictures of photos of feet that I found in order to try to get an idea of the planes of feet, since I obviously had no idea how it really worked. Again, feet are weeeiirddd..
I did a skeleton gesture thing under the feet. It was hard because the skeletons were not necessarily posed in the same way as the original ref, so I had to mix refs around to try and figure it out.

Monday, April 9, 2012

WIP of the actual graphite rendering specimen project. As you can see, I decided to change the shape of the head - I wanted to draw the horsie's legit head and not just it's profile. >__>; Yes, I DO have another photo ref for that, one, so lucky me that I could actualy attempt that.

As for the thing itself. It's sort of a mixed feeling - on one hand I REALLY, REALLY hate it because I'm not legitly following the tone's correctly (SQUINT, STUPID >__<) and on the other hand, I think this is the best graphite rendering I have ever done of anything in my life! And the other part is - I might actually complete something - whoooaaahh...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Okay, I haven't disappeared and (so far) I don't think I'm going to. But I have a BIG graphite rendering project to do that's due on Tuesday (HOLY CRAP!!!), and accounting for the fact that I have 22 hours of work to do during the days I have left (I won't be at home for 25 hours if I include lunch breaks).

Until then, this is a quick comp for my graphite project.

Quick comp or not, it really pisses me off how little clarity it has and how I didn't pay attention to tones and values like... at all. =__= But I'm not going to complain since I understand it and I'll just tell myself that's all that's important... right? '__'

If anyone thinks the composition is ugly PLEASE tell me~ :D

These are my refs:
To Jooolia~, this is one of the photos I took at the horse place. I'll take you there one day, promise!

I got this photo off the internet, but the quality of this photo is GREAT (maybe too small, though... but as long as I squint, I'll hopefully be able to pull it off)

Monday, April 2, 2012

SO - what DOES the Miss Laura Mars do for art homework? Well, here it is - sorry it's bad in both picture quality (webcam~) and uh... general everything else. =__= The goal is to make it photo-realistic. I sorta failed... and I need to find time to smooth the gradients some more and fill in the texture grains of the paper. P:

I did a graphite transfer for each board to transfer the original sketch for a random piece of paper. I think my hand slipped on this one so the cylinder came out a bit lopsided.
The sphere was surprisingly the easiest and least painful one to do. Except for that wall back there. I'm probably going to try to fix that.

I look at it and I cry SO hard. I think even though I mechanically did it - it's not a legit cube, I feel. ;A;