Thursday, March 5, 2015

Personal work~! Part of a personal side project I've been working on between classwork. :D

The first one is an OC in a gas mask and cloak. I don't know if this character will ever wear a gas mask officially, but it's just a visual motif I enjoy a lot! This was mainly drawn with a lasso tool which I have learned to love so hard core since the lasso tool can just nail in big shapes and colors so quickly. I wish I thought about using it earlier. ;______;

The second is some thumbnail sketches of some building designs. I'm currently working on doing more fleshed out ideas from a few of them. Will hopefully have a progress report on that soon.

 More info on the project: 
As of last week, I've been planning out a side project of doing a concept art thing for a story idea. The current plan is to make it concept art as if for a video game. I based it off of the Art Center portfolios I glanced over.

I wanted to do this to really get into the feeling of doing concept art. I've been too scared to make anything and it's holding me back from trying new things. I've got things to do that I've never really worked on before like buildings, huge landscapes, weapons, props, etc. I'm very nervous but excited to see where this side project takes me.

I'll hopefully find holes in my skill set so that I can fix them instead of ignoring them and never knowing where my biggest weaknesses are.

Classwork I've been working on lately. The teacher wants us to also make a night time version of the tree painting as part of a 'portfolio' set of sorts. She wants to make a day to night wipe. I'm excited for the results! :) And the next phase of the assignment after this is to make a tree design based off of the trees we're painting. Very looking forward to thaatttt~! *A* (Just wish the teacher told us we'd be stuck with these trees for like... forever because my tree is such an inconvenience to get to whenever I want to do studies of it. ;____; ) 

The second is a Redoute graphite master copy. Words cannot describe how much I dislike using graphite for rendering projects. When I got out my graphite set, it was almost brand new since I stopped using it after the first semester graphite rendering class. =___=;

It is just such a painstaking and slow medium. It's so patience driving.

But the bright side about this assignment is that I can truly see how far I've come in terms of art from this. My first semester in my animation/illustration class was such a disaster. I was clueless and kept messing up everything, I was even ranked pretty low during a class poll thing. But this semester I was put in a 'top' list with some other great classmates by the teacher (who is a tough, tough teacher) and it makes me wish I was as good of a student then as I am now. Maybe I'd be better if that was true, but too late to think on that now, right? xD 

On to the future~.c