Sunday, October 27, 2013

The top is a doodle I did when the internet in my house went out. No reference = WHAT IS EERYTHINGGG???!!!??? It turned out reaaally bad. @__@ But I got enough of an impression for what I would look up it I ever want to polish up this idea, so... that's SOMETHING accomplished. P:

Venture Bros. sketch because I love that show. Like fffff.... I even bought the whole DVD set for my b-day. Hahaha... I wish season 6 could come sooner, though. @A@ But as most things... not use in rushing good things, right?

I might as well have my little writings on this blog, too. P: A lot of my writing drablettes are sort of contentless, I'd guess you'd say. Random things with no given circumstance attached to why the idea was said or done.

"One tomato is a tomato until I cut it. Then it will be tomatoes, plural. So, if I called one tomato a tomatoes, wouldn't I technically be correct?"

"I am sorry that I do not even have the courtesy to be rightly aggressive with you"

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be"

For some reason, I really like this one:
A: "You seem like the kind of person who would be amazing to fall in love with for a few days."
B: "Only a few days? What will you do after those few days are over?"
A: "Move on. It's the only thing to do since you seem like the type who would reject their lovers quickly."
B: "A good point."
I just sort of imagine two people strangers in a lobby waiting for something or on a bus just chatting it up with another. One person will just strike up that weird thought and the other person isn't angry at the person for saying it, but just curious as to why the person thinks like that. Iono... my funny sense of humor. :B

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