Sunday, April 12, 2015

And so I update on this blog 5000 years later... Dx

This what some stuff I'm currently working on for class. The bottom ones are some tree silhouette ideations and the top is a finalized design. I chose to refine the bottom corner design from the first page.

The next phase of the tree painting class is to design a tree and put them in an environment like as if it were a screencap from a video game, a film, or an animated feature. My original plan was to make it like as if for an animated feature, but so far it looks more like a video game design - whoops. >__>;

Next phase is to do some composition thumbnails to make a layout. :) Hopefully that goes well. *A*

I spent a lot of time of that tree design on finding a process. I think I spent just as much time setting it up as I did on actually painting it. I think it's a process I'm going to develop more on because once everything's set up the painting portion goes by pretty quickly.


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