Saturday, November 2, 2013

I had an art epiphany on Thursday. O : I don't know how it happened, but it did! After talking about how my gestures have a lack of super tight construction which makes all of my long poses fall apart, I somehow snapped together and did construction on my long poses that day. D:

I was doing the gestures (the 2nd picture) while talking with my teacher about how my gestures are good but they miserably fall apart on long poses due to not having good construction. For some reason SOMETHING in my brain might have clicked after and I finally managed to do actual construction for a long pose.

I've been taking figure drawing lessons for five years (yikes!) and there were times when I DID use construction correctly, however, those times were super far in between. And I think they were flukes at that time because I was never told how to properly construct a figure. Well... That's a bit of a lie, I suppose... But there s nonetheless something that wasn't making sense in my mind or plain out managed to forget...  I researched that myself and had holes in my knowledge of things like bony landmarks and such. I amazed myself with that epiphany, so I'm hoping that was something I truly learned vs. a fluke that happened that one day. O_o;

The third thing is a b/w photo study for class.

A random giraffe with glasses doodle that I drew for my friend. He said he was conflicted with drawing a giraffe with glasses or a Halloween picture. I liked the idea of a giraffe with glasses, so I just drew it out and showed him. XD Teehee.

I've also been playing around a lot with the smudge tool. I've been on a row of epiphanies lately. I used it and was all "HARK, this tool be Godsent! ;A ; " 

Will play with that tool s'more~ 

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