Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The top is a late-night doodle. It's Ark's girl self - Mia~ :D At the moment I'm writing a plot-story... thing... for her. The story was originally Ark's story, but lately I've been flipping between the two as the main character to see which one I like better as the main character. At the moment, I think I'm very decided with using Mia for various reasons.

First reason is that there are more than enough stories about adventurous boys with awesome adventures. Waaayyy too many of them, in fact. There's no reason why there aren't enough stories that feature girls other than the fact that the media is obsessed with empowering males over females.  The other part was that the entire plot actually makes more sense if she were a girl because a lot of the plot is spent running away from authorities that are looking for a boy with spikey hair. It's just a more flexible plot with more opportunities if she can actually hide while being in the open.

The two characters on the bottom are also from Ark's story. The lady on the left I've drawn before. Her name is Akio, but she goes by "Sand". The other girl is unnamed, but so far I'm dubbing her "Inna". The two are friends but eventually Inna is supposed to find something else to do with her life so Sand goes off with Mia on her adventure-plot thinggg. Yaaayyy O:

The characters at the top are a messy sketch I never finised up. XD

BOTTOM drawing is a request I drew for my friend Domofudge ~ She wanted Tim, Con, and Bart from the Young Justice crew to be dorking it up together. I decided to draw them all watching a movie. XD I wish I did a neater job on this - but complaints are complaints... keep working, right? Haha. One thing I did like is how I managed to light them up and make it look like they're being lit up by a weird screen. Hopefully I'll be able to refine that in a future project, right? : >

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