Monday, September 12, 2011

Alright. For some reason (how do I come up with something EVERY week - I don't know...) blogspot wasn't let me upload anything. It would always come up with "error" >___<; But now I GOT it~

This is to be a break from all the random sketches of characters that are as good as vague to everyone. I'm going to show some life drawings I do - I hope to find some time some day to do some MORE life drawing sessions since I LOVE doing them so much! Even though I ain't so great at it XD

I kind of like this one except for the upper torso which I really hate... I wanted to try doing a figure drawing with watercolor so I set up a little easel and on the ground in front of the model so that the 18x24 paper wouldn't fall on me XD

This one I'm also okay with except for the torso... I wish I had more time to adjust that... I forgot how long this one was but I'm guessing it's from anywhere between 10-15 minutes.

This is a little doodle I did while I was bored one day. I noticed some girls at a nearby table just doing random things (one was studying and one was talking) so I decided to sketch them since they were far enough away from me (and pre-occupied enough) for them not to notice me~

This one is of a guy I saw on the stairs that led to the swimming pool once. I decided to draw him since he was sitting so still and he was texting which meant he wouldn't notice if I did. So here he is~


  1. lolol oh the joys of secret peopledrawing :D nice life drawings, but where did you find a model? :o soo jelly

  2. I took a life drawing class at De Anza. It's cheap and near my house. XD

  3. Whaaaat. double jelly ;-; I better start looking around for cc's near me! (life drawing in irvine has a bunch of stupid prerequesites for filled classes rrr)
